Shoe Year Resolutions

2018= New you, new shoes

As we put the crazy year that has been 2017 to rest, we’ve already started pondering on what our New Year resolutions are going to be. The only things that haunt us from 2017 are the shoes we didn’t buy, or in some cases, the ones we did. Here’s our guide to your shoe resolutions for a fantastic 2018.

1.I will break-up with shoes that hurt my feet.

We know you love your shoes. But we also know what it’s like to be in an abusive relationship. Break up with the shoes that cause you more pain than pleasure. It’s going to be hard, but you’ll make it through! Replace those pinch-y, shoe-bite-y shoes with ones that make you feel good about yourself and give your feet the comfort they deserve.


2.I will take better care of my shoes.

Like everything in your life, your shoes need your love and care too. Come up with a routine to take care of your precious possessions. The shoes you wear regularly, whether they’re your sneakers or your classic leather pumps, need a little more attention than the others. Stock up on shoe polish, laces and shoe-washing soap and you’ll be shocked at how grateful your shoes will be.


3.Out with the old, in with the new

Hoarding is almost never an attractive quality to have. We know your shoe closet looks spectacular on the outside, but how many of those shoes are in pristine condition? So help yourself while you help others and give some of those shoes away.


4.I will get organized.

In 2018 cling onto your sanity. A disorganized closet will only cause you grief, despair and irritation. A clutter closet = A cluttered outfit. De-cluttering is key. Color code or categorize according to heel type or whatever suits your fancy. But be sure to assort your closet and optimize size utilization to the fullest.


5.I will not let anyone shame me for my shopping enthusiasm.

People will always try to bring you down. But don’t let them tell you that you have a “shopping problem”. If anything, it’s shopping enthusiasm!



We hope that you abide by these resolutions for the next year and they bring more piece and clarity to your lives. Have a great 2018!