Online Night Market 3.0

It’s that time of the year again, and as you know, we at Metro are staunch believers that fashion never sleeps. We’re introducing Online Night Market 3.0, an all night shopping bonanza for all you night owls who love a good deal. On July’s most LIT night, the 12th of July, you’ll find the best deals at pocket-friendly prices, so […]

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Metro Street Style 3.0

Nothing brings a bigger smile to our face like spotting our patrons in our shoes. And, what a great feeling it is! Seeing each one of you dressed to the tens complemented with our styles, you truly do justice to all our hard work in creating them for you. We draw a lot of inspiration from you, so kudos patrons, […]

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Gold casual Slip-on

2017 EID Picks – Perfect Shoes Guide – Metro Shoes

Eid’s right around the corner, and all your month long fasting is finally coming to an end. The holy month is toilsome, but in the end rewarding as ever. And come Eid, throngs of shoppers will flock to stores to pick out all their finery and choose the perfect outfit, accessories and shoes that will come together for charming results. […]

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Demure and Darling Look

Monsoon Moods – Style Guide by Metro Shoes

It’s that time of the year again, the water logged roads, the puddles and the potholes, the romantic drizzles, the cool but apprehensive weather, and the ever underlying question of what footwear to wear during the rains, encompass the general feeling during the monsoons. You can’t wear your regular shoes- they’ll get ruined and the other options are just not […]

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Transitional Weather Workwear

Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it gloomy? Is it bright? This transitional weather is confusing! Torn between the want to wear vibrant colours and forced to wear darker colours, you’re definitely going to need accessories that spell both summer and monsoon. You need these additions to your closet to help you make it through this tumultuous season of […]

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Father’s Day Gifting Guide 2017

He’s been your main man all your life. Your hero, your knight, your king. He’s protected you from everything, he’s treated you to whatever you wanted and he’s taught you to be the best version of yourself all your life. So it’s only fitting that you dedicated one day in the year, if not your whole life, to celebrate him, […]

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Monsoon Wedding: What You Should Wear

The monsoons don’t always strike you as the best time for weddings, but let’s face it; they’re going to happen. And Monsoon weddings are not much different from the movie; they’re filled with fun, frolic but the gloomy weather really dampens the spirit. However, the beauty of monsoon weddings is that you can add so much sparkle, spunk and colour […]

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11 Shoe Cleaning Tricks Only Ma Can Give You

Moms know best. They know it all and they have at least 450 TB storage space in their minds, where they store every trick and tip in the book, where your 7th standard reports are kept, recipes and how you’re related to Shashi Aunty. They’re resourceful and no matter what, have a solution to all your varying problems across the […]

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Storage 101: Sorting Out Your Shoes

Have you ever found yourself in a hurry and not found the one pair of shoes you based your entire outfit on? Or you’ve found one sneaker, but for the life of you, can’t find the second? This is basically because you’ve failed at storing your shoes properly. Rather, you’ve failed to organize and sort your shoes into categories. Shoe […]

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Metro Tips: Hacks to Shine your Dress Shoes – Metro Shoes

You’ve followed the guidelines, you’ve visited and picked out the dress shoe that fits the bill perfectly. Then you’ve picked the correct outfit and styled yourself to the T. You’ve had a great night, everyone’s complimented you on your impeccable dressing taste and you’ve floated home on Cloud No.9. You’ve taken off your shoes, changed into bedclothes and fallen […]

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