Treat Your Feet

How many times have we heard our mothers and grandmothers tell us that prevention is better than cure? But being the little rebels we are, we sometimes ignore their advice and do those things anyway, and then suffer the aftermath of not following their advice.


Drawing from this epiphany, the shoes we purchase for our feet, should essentially prevent any discomfort and troubles, but sometimes we choose the wrong shoe, end up regretting our decision and must suffer the wrath of unsightly corns and scraggly shoe-bites, etc. However, the time to agonize over these inconveniences is over because, we at Metro carry the cure for the troubles you forgot to prevent, in the form of Dr. Scholl’s products.


Your feet do a lot of heavy lifting, quite literally. Fact: Every time you take a step and lift your heels off of the ground, your toes carry half your weight. Aren’t they the best? Don’t they deserve to be treated with affection? Show them some love with our über comfortable and snug shoes. We, at Metro, produce the kind of shoes that provide all kinds of support to every part of you foot, from the balls of your feet to the tip of your toenails.


However, if you didn’t do so, we also have a remedy for all those foot-related troubles you face. Your feet deserve to be treated with utmost care and attention, and therefore, we have curated a hamper of Dr. Scholl’s products that will make your feet worry-free. The hamper is composed of a refreshing Foot Soak, a Foot and Nail Cream, a Foot Beauty Stone and a foot scrubber. All these products used together will leave your feet looking and feeling like a million bucks. Order this hamper online at and treat your feet!